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English Dictation
Dictation is to writing, what phonics teaching is to reading.
Dictation Approach
Dictation is when a teacher reads aloud a carefully chosen sentence and the children write it down. It integrates listening, spelling, handwriting, punctuation, grammar, vocabulary, sentence construction, syntax and composition into one. It focuses on all the skills essential for pupils to be successful in English, enhancing focus and attention to detail along the way.
Structure of dictation
In the early stages of learning to read and write, dictation must align with the phonics scope and sequence. Year 1 & 2 – Hold a sentence
KS2 |
Year 3 – daily dictation of sentences – 1 sentence Year 4 – 3 times a week – 2 sentences Year 5 & 6 – twice a week – 3 sentences.
Recording of dictation
Dictated sentences that form part of the English lesson will be recorded in the GPS/spelling books.
We encourage dictation in all areas of the curriculum and will be marked with a ‘D’ to indicate where this has taken place.
Resources for dictation
To support with executive functioning and cognitive load, visual resources have been created to initially support with the dictation process.