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Self Esteem Machine Workshop
What is mental health?
When our mental health is good, we feel positive about ourselves. When we are finding things hard and we begin to struggle, this can impact our mental health.
We all have Mental Health. Watch this short animation
A mentally Healthy School is one that adopts a whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing. It is a school that helps children flourish, learn and succeed by providing opportunities for them, and the adults around them, to develop the strengths and coping skills that underpin resilience.
A mentally healthy school sees positive mental health and wellbeing as fundamental to its values, mission and culture.
The wellbeing of both children and adults is a priority to us at VIPS Holborough Lakes. We have wellbeing assemblies each Wednesday and children are provided with a range of opportunities to develop their social and emotional skills.
Valley Invicta Primary School at Holboroiugh Lakes, has been awarded SILVER status in the Carnegie Mental Health in Schools Award and we are absolutely delighted.
We started on our Mental Health Award journey in September 2021. Miss Matthews became our Mental Health Lead and had the task of evidencing all that we do and I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for the amazing work she has done regarding this.
The award has enabled us to self-assess and reflect on our well-being offer and practices. It has meant that we have looked at the impact of our interventions and considered new strategies and initiatives which have further developed awareness and understanding of mental health.
Well-being and mental health has always been at the heart of our school, but this award has meant that it is now truly embedded into our school ethos and across our whole school community thus benefiting the children, staff and parents of the school.
It has helped us to build on our understanding of mental health needs and increase and spread awareness while removing any stigma around these needs. We are incredibly proud to have been awarded the SILVER Status by the assessors at Leeds Beckett University.
Our assessor stated that,
"Amongst staff there is a strong sense of belonging and support. Achieving this has been a process led by the Head’s understanding of mental health needs and willingness to provide support as best they can. Staff are allowed time for important family events or issues and there is no stigma surrounding mental health. The school have embraced a system for marking using symbols, designed by one of the teachers, that has reduced workload"
We have a Class Dojo page set up to support our children and their families. We regularly share hints and tips for both adult and child wellbeing. To be added to this group, please contact the school office.
To view our Wellbeing Policy please click here
Mental wellbeing | Overview | PHE School Zone
Resources to support positive mental health and wellbeing
Looking after a child or young person's mental health
There are times when we all feel the strain. As parents and carers, there are ways we can support children and young people to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy. For support, advice and tips please visit Children's mental health - Every Mind Matters - NHS (
We have created quick guides to common issues parents face. Please feel free to view and download them. We are in the process of creating more, do let us know if there are any other issues you would like us to address.
Sleep Guide
Supporting your child's wellbeing
Eating a balanced diet
Managing challenging behaviour at home
Place2Be have created great parent guides on a number of topics, please click here to take a look.
Looking for easy ways to build healthier habits at home? Try the free Food Scanner app from Better Health. Download the Food Scanner app on the Apple app store or Google Play store.
Wellbeing Assemblies
Zones of Regulation Assembly 08.09.21
Zones of Regulation Assembly 2
Tank Filling - We are a little bit like cars!
Resources for Parents
We have complied a list of great resources covering a wide range of topics relating to our wellbeing, take a look at the resources by clicking on them below.
Calm Down Breathing Excercises
Mental Health Awareness Days 2021
6 Things to do to make you feel good
How to get a good nights sleep - help children with sleep
Supporting children's return to school
Getting ready to go back to school workbook
Advice for parents with anxious children