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Poster Competition
The Rights Respecting Schools ambassadors meet fortnightly to discuss items which they are passionate about, including: climate change, recycling, forming positive friendships and respecting one another.
The children would like to develop our wildlife area, which is located by our carpark and to raise awareness of the importance of caring for our environment, therefore, they are launching a poster competition. Please see the information below:
Dear children,
We would like you to get involved in a fun activity that promotes awareness of climate change in our school. We would like you to design a poster to remind everyone not to litter, and to recycle as much as we can.
We would like you to try to design your poster in an economical way, such using recyclable paper or using a computer programme, such as Purple Mash and post on your Class Dojo Portfolio.
The winner will be chosen by ourselves (the Rights Respecting Ambassadors).
The winning poster will be displayed around the school and in the wider community.
Good luck from the Rights Respecting Schools Ambassadors